The worst part about driving to Florida is actually driving in Florida. Jesus Christ. Florida is filled with some of the worst people in the country they have their garbage natives filled in with the NJ and NY left overs. 

Driving went from a sweet, delicate pleasure of going a minimum of 80 mph and constantly getting passed. People staying out of the left lane except to pass. Then when you’re done in Georgia. It happens. You get a douche hat in the left lane. Hanging out. Doing 60. Causing traffic. These mouth breathers have mated with our mouth breathers to create the worst type of people. The floridians. 

Fuck Florida. 

Anyway. The last two days have been pretty calm. Just running around spending time with family and smiling. A lot of smiling. 

My cousin got a room on Clearwater beach and let me crash so we all went out. Lots of delicious ladies everywhere. ???

I’m winding down on my last couple of days in Florida. It’s probably be pretty chill until Thursday when I get to New Orleans. 

The only other thing I keep kind of learning is I really friggen love kids. Man. I’m a 28 year old single dude with virtually zero responsibility. I’m incredibly disconnected from any assemblance of parent like responsibility. 

However. I haven’t seen my cousin Cristens baby, Jaylen since she was born. She spent about 5 minutes eye balling me like who is this fat yokel, went to the bathroom, sorted out her life and I guess decided I like him because you couldn’t separate us after. And I love the rest of my little cousins but something about a three year old sticking to you like glue is priceless. 

Children make me want children. The thought of one woman. Forever though. Christ that’s a far more devastating thought. Lmfao. 

I also wish I had a picture of her standing over me bright and early in the morning. Just talking to my sleeping lifeless body. I even wish I could remember what she said but in adult it was like “you’ve been asleep far to long fucker and it’s time to give me a little attention.” And then she came over and was blown away by my nipples and asked me if they were “booby rings.” ?????

All in all. Time with my family. Lots of catching up. Lots of drinking. It’s beautiful. Keep smiling. Love you guys. 
